Seasonal songs
A Spotless Rose, Howells
The Angel Gabriel, Pettman
Bethlehem Down, Warlock
Born On A New Day, David/Knight/Lawson
Christmas Medley, Duthie
Cowboy Carol, Broadhurst/Sargent
De Virgin Mary, West Indian spiritual arr Sargent
Jesus Christ the Apple Tree, Poston
Jingle Bells, Pierpont/Willcocks
Joy to the World, Mason
The Lamb, Tavener
Lord of the Dance, Willcocks
Lullay Lord Jesus, Thalben-Ball
Mary's Boy Child, Hairston
Mary Had A Baby, SHJE
Nativity Carol, Rutter
O Magnum Mysterium, Lauridsen
O Radiant Dawn, MacMillan
Ring Christmas Bells, SHJE
Riu, Riu Chiu, Anon ed Stenberg
The Twelve Days of Christmas, Solomons
We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Willcocks

Traditional carols
O Little Town of Bethlehem, Vaughan Williams
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear, Sullivan/Willcocks
Once in Royal David's City, Willcocks
Silent Night, SHJE
Unto Us A Boy Is Born, Cantiones/Willcocks
Little Jesus, Sweetly Sleep
Away in a Manger, Kirkpatrick/Jaques
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly, Willcocks
Hark the Herald, Mendelssohn/Willcocks
Angels From the Realms, SHJE
Ding Dong Merrily on High, Harker
While Shepherds Watched, SHJE
O Come All Ye Faithful, SHJE
In the Bleak Midwinter, Holst
As With Gladness, Kocher/Willcocks
The First Nowell, Willcocks
Love Came Down At Christmas, Thomas